Equal Immunization Policies & Practices
The Scoop
Equip local, civilian emergency responders and disaster response volunteers with the same vaccine protection as provided to counterparts within the U.S. Departments of Defense, Justice, State, and Homeland Security.
Through, scientific research, evidence-based dialogue, smart policy campaigns, coalition-building, and targeted vaccination initiatives, Project EQUIPP will enhance community resilience by safeguarding those men and women who courageously and selflessly risk their lives every day to protect Main Street, USA.

The deficits in vaccine protection are most glaring in the case of anthrax and smallpox but also pertain to seasonal flu, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis A & B, and meningococcal meningitis.
Compelling CDC recommendations regarding the anthrax vaccine and robust interest in pre-attack anthrax vaccination for U.S. civilian emergency responders provides a foundation from which to launch research, education, and vaccination initiatives that will promote increased rates of adult immunization.
Community resilience through pre-exposure vaccination of civilian emergency responders (including family and social supports) and disaster response volunteers against all blood-borne pathogens, invasive microbes, aerosolized contagions, and bioterrorism select agents/toxins for which an FDA-licensed vaccine exists.
Fill the gap between federal inertia and local needs.
Seek and find financial support to execute our [already-designed] immunization program against anthrax and the more commonly encountered vaccine preventable diseases such as tetanus, hepatitis, and flu.
Work with our creative and experienced group of advisors, stakeholders, and partners to obtain, store, inventory, and administer the needed vaccines to protect those who protect us.
Support the Saint Louis University Institute for Biosecurity's Emergency Personnel Immunization Quest (EPIQ) in recruiting participants for a national survey to measure immunization status and gauge attitudes/beliefs of emergency responders regarding vaccination especially as it pertains to influenza and anthrax.
Use growing interest in pre-attack anthrax vaccination as an opportunity to disseminate information about the anthrax threat, the anthrax vaccine solution, and the importance of immunization against all vaccine-preventable diseases such as seasonal influenza, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis A & B.
Expand assistance to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Immunization Division on its 2014 initiatives to increase adult vaccination rates.
Continue collaboration with the Missouri Department of Public Safety, the State Emergency Management Agency, and St. Louis County Public Health on pre-exposure anthrax vaccination for emergency responders.
Support the [national] Emergency Services Coalition for Medical Preparedness Immunization Work Group through primary and secondary research on the concern about access to vaccines needed to safely perform work duties.
Expand reach of the Project nationally and internationally through new stakeholder partnerships and collaborations.
Emergency Services Coalition for Medical Preparedness
Heart of America Metro Fire Chiefs
Mid-America Area Regional Council (MARC)
Missouri Emergency Response Commission (SEMA)
Missouri Fraternal Order of Police
International Association of Fire Chiefs
Missouri Sheriffs’ Association
Kansas City Department of Public Health
Missouri State Highway Patrol and State Capitol Police
Missouri Association of Fire Fighters
Missouri Office of Homeland Security
National Volunteer Fire Council
Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services
International Association of Fire Chiefs
St. Louis Area Regional Response System (STARRS)
St. Louis City & County Health Departments